How to get the integer and fractional part of a de

2020-03-26 14:22发布


How do I convert 30.8365146 into two integers, 30 and 8365146, for example, in Arduino or C?

This problem faces me when I try to send GPS data via XBee series 1 which don't allow to transmit fraction numbers, so I decided to split the data into two parts. How can I do this?

I have tried something like this:

double num=30.233;
int a,b;

a = floor(num); 
b = (num-a) * pow(10,3);

The output is 30 and 232! The output is not 30 and 233. Why and how can I fix it?


double value = 30.8365146;
int left_part, right_part;
char buffer[50];
sprintf(buffer, "%lf", value);
sscanf(buffer, "%d.%d", &left_part, &right_part);

and you will get left/right parts separately stored in integers.

P.S. the other solution is to just multiply your number by some power of 10 and send as an integer.


You can output the integer to a char array using sprintf, then replace the '.' with a space and read back two integers using sscanf.


I did it for float, using double as temporary:

int fract(float raw) {

    static int digits = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 - std::numeric_limits<float>::digits10 - 1;
    float intpart;
    double fract = static_cast<double>(modf(raw, &intpart));
    fract = fract*pow(10, digits - 1);
    return floor(fract);

I imagine that you could use quadruple-precision floating-point format to achieve the same for double: libquadmath.


The 30 can just be extracted by rounding down (floor(x) in math.h).

The numbers behind the decimal point are a bit more tricky, since the number is most likely stored as a binary number internally, this might not translate nicely into the number you're looking for, especially if floating point-math is involved. You're best bet would probably be to convert the number to a string, and then extract the data from that string.


As in the comments, you need to keep track of the decimal places. You can't do a direct conversion to integer. A bit of code that would do something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define PLACES 3

void extract(double x)
        char buf[PLACES+10];
        int a, b;

        sprintf(buf, "%.*f", PLACES, x);
        sscanf(buf, "%d.%d", &a, &b);

        int n = (int) pow(10, PLACES);

        printf("Number           : %.*f\n", PLACES, x);
        printf("  Integer        : %d\n", a);
        printf("  Fractional part: %d over %d\n", b, n);

int main()


Number           : 1.113
  Integer        : 1
  Fractional part: 113 over 1000
Number           : 20.000
  Integer        : 20
  Fractional part: 0 over 1000
Number           : 300.001
  Integer        : 300
  Fractional part: 1 over 1000


What about using floor() to get the integer value and num % 1 (modulo arithmetic) to get the decimal component?

Then you could multiply the decimal component by a multiple of 10 and round. This would also give you control over how many decimal places you send, if that is limited in your comm. standard.

Would that work?

#include <math.h>

integer_part = floor(num); 
decimal_part = fmod(num,1)*10^whatever;