Why does adding additional AngularJS validation di

2020-03-26 12:12发布


Why does adding additional AngularJS validation directives cause $asyncValidators to run multiple times on page load?

I created a custom directive which implements $asyncValidators. This is the basic structure of that custom directive:

myApp.directive('userSaved',['$q','userLookup',function($q, userLookup){
return {
  restrict: 'A',
  require: 'ngModel',
  link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){
    ctrl.$asyncValidators.userSaved = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
      // do stuff 

The controller initializes the tailNumber model value like this:

$scope.tailNumber = 'N33221';

This is the html where the user-saved directive runs 3 times on page load:

<input ng-model="tailNumber" name="tailNumber"   user-saved 
    ng-minlength="2"   ng-pattern="/^[A-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/" >

When I remove ng-minlength="2" then the user-saved directive runs twice on page load (2 times). This is the html with ng-minlength="2" removed:

<input ng-model="tailNumber" name="tailNumber"   user-saved 
    ng-pattern="/^[A-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/" >

When I remove ng-pattern="/^[A-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/" then the user-saved directive only runs 1 time. This is the html after removing ng-pattern="/^[A-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/"

<input ng-model="tailNumber" name="tailNumber" user-saved >

Why does my function registered with $asyncValidators run an additional time for each additional ng validator attached to the form element?

My custom directive is an expensive $http call, and I prefer my custom directive only run once on page load. Is it possible to use all of these ng validators and while only running my async validator function one time instead of 3 times on page load?


This is because validation directives like ngMaxlength, ngPattern invoke an initial validation cycle with a call to ngModelController.$validate().

This causes all the validation directive to run their validation logic, including the async validators.

One way to prevent the redundant $http calls, and in fact it is a good practice anyway, is to cache the validation result for each input.


It actually took me a while to figure this one out. As mentioned in this post, Angular validators trigger additional validations. I decided not to fight this behavior and work around it instead, falling back to parsers and formatters:

myApp.directive('userSaved',['$q','dataservice',function($q, dataservice){
return {
  restrict: 'A',
  require: 'ngModel',
  link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){

    function checkUserSaved(value){
        ctrl.$setValidity("usersaved") // the absence of the state parameter sets $pending to true for this validation
            var userIsSaved = (response === true);

            ctrl.$setValidity("usersaved", userIsSaved); // the presence of the state parameter removes $pending for this validation

            return userIsSaved ? value : undefined;

        return value;

As a reference, you also might want to check the Angular docs


Upon further investigation, it appears that in the case of ng-pattern the extra validations are only triggered when the regex is converted from a string.

Passing the regex directly:

<div ng-pattern="/^[0-9]$/" user-saved></div> 

fixed the problem for me while making use of the validators pipeline.

For reference, see this github issue


I followed @New Dev's advice and implemented a simple caching routine which fulfilled my requirement quite nicely, here's what I came up with ..

link: function (scope, element, attributes, ngModel) {

        var cache = {};
        ngModel.$asyncValidators.validateValue = function (modelValue) {
            if (modelValue && cache[modelValue] !== true) {
                return MyHttpService.validateValue(modelValue).then(function (resolved) {
                    cache[modelValue] = true; // cache 
                    return resolved;
                }, function(rejected) {
                    cache[modelValue] = false;
                    return $q.reject(rejected);
            } else {
                return $q.resolve("OK");