
Could not complete the operation due to error 8002

2020-03-26 06:55发布


I am running an ExtJS 4.1 application. It is running just fine in FireFox, but I get this error in Internet Explorer 8: Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101.

I have found various possible fixes, but none seemed to fit my needs.

How can I make the application work in IE8?


Error 80020101 is an AJAX error, so there are a number of potential issues to investigate. A useful starting point might be a prior SO question https://stackoverflow.com/a/10275316/1204258 which deals with trailing commas in object definitions.


I got the same error in an included js file. it appeared only in IE.

the problem was because of missing </script> tag at the end of include file.

hope to help.


Had the same non-foundable error on IE9.

There was an AJAX request transfering a ....

Solved the error with this:

<script type="text/javascript">

    ... code goes here ...



Same thing was happening to me while using ExtJS to "require" modular javascript code. The reason: I included the "extends" keyword by mistake, which is reserved in IE8. Make sure you're not using any reserved keywords as your attribute keys without putting them in quotes first.


I got the same issue in IE, the problem was the html comment used in the javascript Replaced the html comment with javascript comment, then it's works fine for me.