How to get current post_id in function.php file

2020-03-26 06:40发布


This is my function in function.php file

  function getcity(){
    global $wpdb;

                $district = get_post_meta(get_the_ID() , 'district', true);

                $result=$wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM districts WHERE state_id='$id'");

                                                       foreach($result as $row) {
                                                             $district_name   = $row-
                             $district_id     = $row->district_id;

                            echo '<option value="'.$district_id.'">'.$district_name.'</option>';

 add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_getcity", "getcity");
 add_action("wp_ajax_getcity", "getcity");

I want to get current post id in this function to display selected dropdown value..


Note that $post or get_queried_object_id() do not work until the first query was fired. So this options are available only at the hook template_redirect and later. But functions.php is included much earlier (before the hook after_setup_theme) so this isn't a solution.

A function that should work pretty much anywhere would be

$url = 'http://' . $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
$current_post_id = url_to_postid( $url );

Here is a overview over hook execution order.

If your code is executed after the template_redirect hook these option may be better:

global $post;
$id = $post->id;


$id = get_queried_object_id();


You want the global variable $post as documented here:

Declare the $post global like so:

global $post;

Then you should be able to access the id of the post using $post->ID.

Here is a more complete doc of the attributes available through the $post global:$post

标签: wordpress