I am currently trying to call a PHP web service in c#. I have been trying dozens of solutions I have found on the internet, but with no luck, and none which have the same issue as me. I am unfamiliar with PHP.
I can successfully call authenticate_get from my c#
string auth_id = client.authenticate_get("www.testexample.com", "e5d30c56d600a7456846164");
and get the authentication id returned, but then don't know how to pass the array in c#. Here is PHP example given.
$client = new SoapClient("https://example.com/TESTApi_v1_1.wsdl.php");
$auth_id = $client->authenticate_get('username', 'password');
$client = new SoapClient("https://example.com/TESTApi_v1_1.wsdl.php", array("login" => $auth_id ));
When I try to call any other methods I am just getting an error returned "HTTP Basic Authorization header required".
I have also tried:
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
ICredentials credentials = netCredential.GetCredential(uri, "Basic login:" + auth_id);
client.Credentials = credentials;
client.PreAuthenticate = true;
I have also been trying:
public class MyHeader : SoapHeader
public string login;
[WebService(Namespace = "https://example.com/TESTApi_v1_1.wsdl.php")]
public class exampleTestService : ExampleService
public MyHeader myOutHeader;
[SoapHeader("login", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.InOut)]
public MyHeader MyOutHeaderMethod()
var client = new ExampleService();
string auth_id = client.authenticate_get("www.testexample.com", "e5d30c56d600a7e6f3cef05d8c0a1991");
// Return the client's authenticated name.
MyHeader outHeader = new MyHeader();
outHeader.login = auth_id;
return outHeader;
I am sure I am missing something simple.
Thank you in advance for any help.