I am just new to Typescript and Angular 2 and I was wondering what approach would be best for logging client side errors so that if an issue happened in production I would be able to find out what the method was that failed and what error was thrown.
The backend off the app is written in C# and connected to a SQL Server DB. Data is retrieved via WebAPI Calls.
Any server side errors are currently logged to the DB. I was thinking of writing an Typescript errorLoggingService which would call an ErrorLoggingController API which would then log the Error to the DB?
Does this seem like a sound approach or is there a better way of doing this?
An example current Typescript method I have is below:
public getCustomerData(customerId: number, year: number) {
let apiUrl = this.myApiMethod;
let urlConcat = apiUrl + '/' + customerId + '/' + year + '/';
return this.http.get(urlConcat)
.map((response: Response) => <boolean> response.json())
public handleError(error: Response) {
console.log(Error Handler Method Hit);
//this is where I would call to the Error logging service
// which would make an API call to log the error to db
//this.errorLoggingService.logClientError("Build Error Message");
return Observable.throw(error.json() || 'Server Error');