
dompdf image not found on live server

2020-03-26 05:30发布


After several hours of searching, I am still unable to resolve this issue. I am having a problem with displaying images in a PDF file generated by dompdf library.

I have an editor tinyMCE where a user can upload images, edit his page, and see a preview in PDF format with a Button press.

One important thing here: I am using 'convert_urls : true' in tinyMCE's configuration which converts the image src = "https://mysite.com/public/images/image_name.png", necessary for the PDF library to display them.

I set the required dompdf configurations:

  • def("DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE", true);

Here I found that it will appear after changing the attached CSS with a dompdf like:

img { display:block }

All still in vain.

Note: Everything is working fine on localhost. But on the staging server, I get a message box having a cross inside it saying "image not found" and displaying the image path. When I click on that path, the image is already there on my server. I wonder why dompdf is giving me this message?


I already faced same kind of issue. solution is very simple when Dompdf does not accept url with http format. Try with full document root.

Instead of using https://example.com/public/images/image_name.png try with /var/www/mysite/public/images/image_name.png