
Add FreeImage .NET to solution

2020-03-26 02:22发布


I have followed the posts on this, but i am still not getting a few steps. I am new to C#, and that is probably the issue. I would love a little help (I have been banging on this all day).

I can open the FreeImage.NET solution (Win7 64 bit machine btw) in Visual Studio. This post says i need to Build it to get the C# dll. When i build it, i get hundreds of errors "type or namespace 'Name' could not be found".

Does it need the C++ DDL added first? I dragged and dropped it onto the solution, but still the errors.

Am i doing something simple and wrong?

Specifically what i am trying to do is add FreeImage to project in C# Visual Studio Express 2012.

Thanks, Dan


After downloading the version of FreeImage.NET , I opened the following VS2005 Solution File in VS2012.(Thats the only one I have)


After upgrading the project and building it for the first time, I saw around 491 errors. If you open the references of the UnitTest.2005 project, you will see that the nunit.framework assembly is missing. If you have nuget installed , in VS2012 you can

Right Click references > Manage NuGet Packages > Search for NUnit and install it.

In the image below we see that the nunit.framework assembly is correctly linked.

After doing this there were only 50 errors remaining and they were all because the Xml Documentation file checks were enabled. You can disable this check as shown below in the Library.2005 project.

Build again, and it should succeed.

NOTE: The FreeImage website provides only a 32-bit version of the DLL, thus to use this DLL you will have to ensure that you set your project version to 32-bit. To obtain a 64-bit version of the FreeImage DLL you will have o download their source code project and manually do a 64-bit build as show in this blog.

标签: c# dll freeimage