How to install Sass in brackets text editor

2020-03-26 01:49发布


Duplicate Question?

Yes it is. But a little bit different from this


I am also a new user of the brackets text editor. I know the difference between Scss & Sass. But the reason why I am using brackets text editor is for just Sass not Scss.

I saw some tutorials of Jason Sanjose for integrating Sass in brackets text editor. But I think. I am not doing it right. Below is my steps. What I am doing.

  • Install Sass for bracket using Extension Manager.
  • Install bower and bourbon
  • Create folder on root named: "SASS" and inside this folder create app.sass file.
  • Create folder on root named: "CSS"
  • Create a config file named: ".brackets.json" and put below code inside it:

      "sass.enabled": false,
      "path": {
                "SASS/app.scss": {
                "sass.enabled": true,
                "sass.options": {
                "outputDir": "../CSS/",
                "includePaths": [],
                "sourceComments": true,
                "outputStyle": "nested"

    and here is the snapshot also


When I write below code in app.sass file it is not converting it to css file or creating any css file in output directory.

    background-color: black

Now my question is: Please explain me how I convert sass file in css or tell me what I am doing wrong in ".brackets.json" file or in my "app.sass" file.


After a lot searching on web. I found a useful article and my answer. Which I am sharing with you guys.

Brackets-SASS Plugin setup Step By Step Tutorial Without migrating on other apps.


You don't need to install Sass in you text editor mate,only thing you need to install on your computer is Prepros,that software support sass/scss coffeescript typescript FTP upload and much more


I personally recommend installing - it's fully automated and refreshes on save.

Text editors can come pre-packaged or with an addon that highlights SASS and SCSS, but all (which I know of) cannot compile it.