
Increase / Decrease code font size keyboard shortc

2020-03-25 07:15发布


I know how to change the setting : https://stackoverflow.com/a/11129039/390330

But I want a more live solution like I get with the mouse: Ctrl+Mouse Wheel shortcut. Except I need it to be a keyboard shortcut (e.g in browsers there is Ctrl + + / Ctrl + -). Is there such a keystroke / or can one be set


Nope. Currently only Ctrl+Mouse Wheel

Corresponding ticket: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-84884

UPDATE: It has been implemented now (2 months later after writing this answer):

  1. Settings / Preferences | Keymap
  2. Type font in that screen search box
  3. Assign custom shortcuts to Increase and Decrease actions


You can do the following .. verified in Android Studio 2.0

  1. Go to Preferences
  2. Go to Keymap
  3. In the search field, type font
  4. There you can double click on Increase and Decrease, and "add" a custom key binding.

I used

Decrease: ctrl -

Increase: ctrl +