I have a folder in my app directory named "uploads" where users can upload files and download files. I don't want the uploads folder to be in the public directory because I want to control download authorization.
In my controller, I have:
send_file Rails.root.join('app', 'uploads', filename), :type => 'application/zip', :disposition => 'inline', :x_sendfile=>true
This actually works fine. The problem is that when I'm on the production server, when I run the rake assets:precompile, and have an assets directory, the file downloads twice. The first time the file downloads, the browser acts as if nothing is going on (no loading spinning), but I see data being transferred in the Google Chrome web developer Network tab. Then after the file has been downloaded, a prompt comes up asking the user if he/she wants to download the file.
Removing the assets folder in the public directory gets rid of this problem, but I want to use the asset pipeline. I also tried changing the asset pipeline requires from require_tree to require_directory.
Does anyone know how to get send_file working properly with the asset pipeline?