How to prevent Android Chrome magnifier (link prev

2020-03-25 00:51发布


I know this question has been asked before. But none of the answers are applicable/acceptable to/for my situation. I am desiging a non-responsive e-commerce website so completely disabling zooming by setting this meta tag:

<meta name='viewport' content='user-scalable=no'/>

is not an option. But my client is insisting that this effect:

absolutely has to go. I have been trying to detect touchstart/touchend events and taps so that I can somehow add the meta tag shown above when the user taps and remove it when the user's touchend has fired so that the pinch and double tap zoom is still available. No success yet.

Also I cannot increase the size of the buttons, font etc - UI design changes are not acceptable.

Can anyone provide any ideas of how to tackle this with CSS/JavaScript/jQuery ?