I am learning data scraping and, on top of that, I am quite a debutant with R (for work I use STATA, I use R only for very specific tasks). In order to learn scraping, I am exercising with a few pages on Psychology Today.
I have written a function that allows me to scrape information for one therapist and to create a data set with the information collected in this way:
install.packages('rvest') #Loading the rvest package
install.packages('xml2') #Loading the xml2 package
library('rvest') #to scrape
library('xml2') #to handle missing values (it works with html_node, not with html_nodes)
#Specifying the url for desired website to be scraped
url <- 'https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/THE_ONE_YOU_WANT'
#Reading the HTML code from the website
URL <- read_html(url)
#creating the function
getProfile <- function(profilescrape) {
#Using CSS selectors to name
nam_html <- html_node(URL,'.contact-name')
#Converting the name data to text
nam <- html_text(nam_html)
#Let's have a look at the rankings
#Data-Preprocessing: removing '\n' (for the next informations, I will keep \n, to help
# me separate each item within the same type of
# information)
#Convering each info from text to factor
#Let's have a look at the name
#Using CSS selectors to modality
mod_html <- html_node(URL,'.attributes-modality .copy-small')
#Converting the name data to text
mod <- html_text(mod_html)
#Let's have a look at the rankings
#Convering each info from text to factor
#Let's have a look at the rankings
##Combining all the lists to form a data frame
onet_df<-data.frame(Name = nam,
Modality = mod)
##Structure of the data frame
This code seems to be working well for whatever therapist I choose. Now, I would like to use this function on multiple profiles, to generate one data set, with name and modality of MHPs. Let's say that I want to apply the above function "getProfile" to the first 20 therapists in Illinois and input the information for this 20 therapists in a data set called "onet_df"
j <- 1
MHP_codes <- c(324585 : 449807) #therapist identifier
withinpage_codes <- c(1 : 20) #therapist running number
for(code1 in withinpage_codes) {
for(code2 in MHP_codes) {
URL <- paste0('https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/illinois/', code2, '?sid=5d87f874630bd&ref=', code1, '&rec_next=1&tr=NextProf')
record_profile <- getProfile <- function(profilescrape)
onet_df[[j]] <- rbind.fill(onet_df, record_profile)
j <- j + 1
This loop does not create any data set; moreover, it does not give any error message. Would someone be able to help me de-bug this loop? Please, keep in mind that I am a real beginner.
Following sueggetions, I have modified what follows at the beginning:
#creating the function
getProfile <- function(URL) {....}
Moreover, I have used three alternative loops:
1st alternative
j <- 1
MHP_codes <- c(324585 : 449807) #therapist identifier
withinpage_codes <- c(1 : 20) #therapist running number
for(code1 in withinpage_codes) {
for(code2 in MHP_codes) {
URL <- paste0('https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/illinois/', code2, '?sid=5d87f874630bd&ref=', code1, '&rec_next=1&tr=NextProf')
record_profile <- getProfile(URL)
onet_df[[j]] <- rbind.fill(onet_df, record_profile)
j <- j + 1
which gives the followin errors message: Error in UseMethod("xml_find_first") : no applicable method for 'xml_find_first' applied to an object of class "character"
2nd alternative
MHP_codes <- c(324585, 449807) #therapist identifier
withinpage_codes <- c(1:20) #therapist running number
df_list <- vector(mode = "list",
length = length(MHP_codes) * length(withinpage_codes))
j <- 1
for(code1 in withinpage_codes) {
for(code2 in MHP_codes) {
URL <- paste0('https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/illinois/', code2, '?sid=5d87f874630bd&ref=', code1, '&rec_next=1&tr=NextProf')
df_list[[j]] <- getProfile(URL)
j <- j + 1
final_df <- rbind.fill(df_list)
This loop gives the same error message (please, refer to the above one).
Now, I have just to figure out why no data set is produced with the loop. There might be two problems: First, something within the loop does not work (I have run both loops on only one existing page and no data set is produced) ; Second, when I run the loop on a series of link, some of them might be missing, which would produce an error message.