class BaseDoc {
static Collection;
static find(){
// which is expected to return an instance of SubDoc when run SubDoc.find()
return this.Collection.find();
class SubDoc extends BaseDoc {}
What I hope is: When running SubDoc.find(), the app knows the type of the return value to be an instance of SubDoc rather than BaseDoc.
How can I achieve that?
You can create a generic version of find
that will have the this
parameter inferred to the type of the class it's being called on, and use InstanceType<T>
to extract the actual instance type from the class type:
class BaseDoc {
static Collection: any;
static find<T extends typeof BaseDoc>(this: T): InstanceType<T> {
// which is expected to return an instance of SubDoc when run SubDoc.find()
return this.Collection.find();
class SubDoc extends BaseDoc {
SubDoc.find() // return SubDoc
Or you can mandate that the derived class defines a generic Collection
member of the appropriate type:
class Collection<T> {
find(): T {
return null as any // dummy imeplmentation
type GetCollectionItem<T extends Collection<any>> = T extends Collection<infer U> ? U: never;
class BaseDoc {
static Collection: Collection<BaseDoc>;
static find<T extends { new (... args: any[]) : any, Collection: Collection<any> }>(this: T): GetCollectionItem<T['Collection']> {
// which is expected to return an instance of SubDoc when run SubDoc.find()
return this.Collection.find();
class SubDoc extends BaseDoc {
static Collection: Collection<SubDoc>;
SubDoc.find() // return SubDoc