Dart?flutter does not appear to allow a timezone (eg: "Australia/Sydney" or "America/Detroit") to be specified when creating a DateTime object. Either the local timezone will be used, or UT may be specified.
Is anyone aware of a workaround?
There's the Dart package TimeZone, but it appears to be unusable within a flutter app.
See https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/timezone for the package I'm referring to.
EDIT: The timezone package does work in Flutter, with some setup. See Richard Heap's answer below.
You have to do a bit of magic to get package:timezone
to work in flutter.
Extract whichever data file you need (there are 3: default, all and 2010-2020) and move it to your flutter assets folder. (I use 2018c_2010-2020.tzf
, which is available in a branch.)
Add it as an asset in pubspec.yaml
- assets/2018c_2010-2020.tzf
Then load that file on startup (e.g. from the initState
of a top level StatefulWidget) and use it to initialise the database.
ByteData tzf = await rootBundle.load('assets/2018c_2010-2020.tzf');
Location newYork = getLocation('US/Eastern');
I haven't tried, but you may even be able to load it from main
if you mark it async.
I also notice that I must have cloned the latest branch, as I see this in my pubspec
path: ../../dart/source/timezone
... but looks like you just need to grab 0.5.0-dev-2 from pub
timezone: "^0.5.0-dev-2"
The TimeZone package does work. From the issues list on GitHub:
Sorry this took 6 months but I have a good solution. I think it will be the recommended solution.
See Flutter's docs on Adding Assets. You should be able to add to your Flutter app's pubspec.yaml:
- packages/timezone/lib/data/2015b.tzf
and load in your app with:
Future<List<int>> loadDefaultData() async {
var byteData = await rootBundle.load('packages/timezone/data/2015b.tzf');
return byteData.buffer.asUint8List();
// Call the above with something like:
loadDefaultData().then((rawData) {
var zurich = getLocation('Europe/Zurich');