Import properties from an object

2020-03-24 04:33发布


I am trying to import a single function from a functions file. The functions file looks like this.

const Functions = {
    url(path = '') {
        path = path.replace(/^\/+/, '');
        return `${document.baseURI}/${path}`;

    asset(path = '') {
        return this.url(path);

export default Functions;

I then try to import the url function like this.

import {url} from "../Utils/Functions";

When I do this, I get the following error in-browser from browserify.

Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _Functions.url) is not a function

According to MDN docs, this import should work as url is in the Functions object.

What am I doing wrong?


What you have done - is exported an object.

In that case you need to import an object and access its property:

import Functions from "../Utils/Functions";

If you want to make named export - you need to change the way you're exporting and defining it:

function url(path = '') {
    path = path.replace(/^\/+/, '');
    return `${document.baseURI}/${path}`;

function asset(path = '') {
    return this.url(path);

export { url, asset };


export function url(path = '') {
    path = path.replace(/^\/+/, '');
    return `${document.baseURI}/${path}`;

export function asset(path = '') {
    return this.url(path);

As another note: it is not destructuring, even though it looks similar. The standard names it as ImportsList and defines its own semantic, different from the destructuring one.




If you use 'default export' then the import should be:

import Functions from "../Utils/Functions";

Actually, you can import it with any identifier you like (not only 'Functions')