I am attempting to automate the login to website on our intranet using Powershell and IE. So far, I have the following code that works:
$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4) {start-sleep 1}
$ie.visible = $true
$doc = $ie.Document
If ($doc.nameProp -eq "Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked") {
$loginid = $doc.getElementById("loginid")
$loginid.value= "username"
$password = $doc.getElementById("password")
$password.value = 'somepass'
So, the problem area I have now is that the site closes the original window used to login and opens a new IE window. How do I go about submitting inputs to that new window? I know I can use something like tasklist.exe /v to get the PID of the new window... but I'm not sure how I would go about taking control of it.
Also, after viewing my code, please know I do not intend to use embedded user name and passwords. That's only in place so that I don't have to continually type a un/pw combo every time I want to test the script.