i have to detect with JS (jQuery) wether a browser supports Woff and then add a class to the body. Something like this:
is this somehow possible? Thank you for your answers.
i have to detect with JS (jQuery) wether a browser supports Woff and then add a class to the body. Something like this:
is this somehow possible? Thank you for your answers.
There's a function on this post called isFontFaceSupported
that checks for support based on browser features (the good way, i.e. not relying on the user agent string).
Copy that function and your code can become:
if(isFontFaceSupported()) {
Here is the function from the post:
* isFontFaceSupported - v0.9 - 12/19/2009
* http://paulirish.com/2009/font-face-feature-detection/
* Copyright (c) 2009 Paul Irish
* MIT license
var isFontFaceSupported = (function(){
var fontret,
fontfaceCheckDelay = 100;
// IE supports EOT and has had EOT support since IE 5.
// This is a proprietary standard (ATOW) and thus this off-spec,
// proprietary test for it is acceptable.
if (!(!/*@cc_on@if(@_jscript_version>=5)!@end@*/0)) fontret = true;
else {
// Create variables for dedicated @font-face test
var doc = document, docElement = doc.documentElement,
st = doc.createElement('style'),
spn = doc.createElement('span'),
wid, nwid, body = doc.body,
callback, isCallbackCalled;
// The following is a font, only containing the - character. Thanks Ethan Dunham.
spn.setAttribute('style','font:99px _,serif;position:absolute;visibility:hidden');
if (!body){
body = docElement.appendChild(doc.createElement('fontface'));
// the data-uri'd font only has the - character
spn.innerHTML = '-------';
spn.id = 'fonttest';
wid = spn.offsetWidth;
spn.style.font = '99px testfont,_,serif';
// needed for the CSSFontFaceRule false positives (ff3, chrome, op9)
fontret = wid !== spn.offsetWidth;
var delayedCheck = function(){
if (isCallbackCalled) return;
fontret = wid !== spn.offsetWidth;
callback && (isCallbackCalled = true) && callback(fontret);
function ret(){ return fontret || wid !== spn.offsetWidth; };
// allow for a callback
ret.ready = function(fn){
(isCallbackCalled || fontret) ? fn(fontret) : (callback = fn);
return ret;
Because it's hard to test that I'm using just the browser detection:
//test ie 6, 7, 8
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "<!--[if lte IE 8]><i></i><![endif]-->";
var isIe8orLower = !!div.getElementsByTagName("i").length;
if (!isIe8orLower && !navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i)) {
It matches the usage: http://caniuse.com/#feat=woff