
Can i test accelerometer effect in Xcode simulator

2020-03-23 18:07发布


i am creating a app that manage the alpha property of image views. alpha property increase/decrease as the user moves the phone.I saw something on here about using a subclass of UIAccelerometer. Can any one help me to do this so that i can test it on simulator. Thanks


Yo cant test it using simulator, you should use real device for testing accelerometer. Check here, it may help you.


You can "capture" accelerometer data coming from a real device.

You can purchase iSimulate

here: http://bobueland.com/cocos2d/2011/how-to-install-isimulate/


you can use a free solution: accelerometer-simulator

More about how to install or tutorial:

  • http://builtby.me/2012/07/howto-use-the-accelerometer-in-the-iphone-simulator/
  • http://builtby.me/2012/07/iphone-accelerometer-visualizer/
  • http://myfirstiphoneapp.co.uk/2011/07/receiving-accelerometer-data/


You can't test Accelerometer feature on Xcode simulator.

For this, see following on apple's site.

Limitations of Testing in iOS Simulator


Accelerometer does not work on iPhone/iPod Simulator. Neither "Hardware->Shake Gesture" use accelerometer nor the orientation change of safari on simulator.