I'm trying to use Visual Studio as an editor for browsing a large open source project on GitHub. The directory structure looks like
and build is maintained by CMakeLists.txt.
If I insist to use Visual Studio as an editor for some reason (for example, good IntelliSense support), what would be the best practice?
I tried "New - Project from Existing Code". It produces ugly project structure where all *.cpp files are under Source Files filter while I still need to manually specify a bunch of /*/include/ directories.
I tried to actually use CMake to produce a visual studio solution. It immediately failed with many critical errors because of a lot of Linux dependencies.
Is there any way to create a visual studio solution with a proper directory structure and include paths?
I see four possible approaches:
Using a commercial product like Visual GDB or WinGDB you could e.g. import remote Linux projects to Visual Studio.
You create a new empty C++ project at the root of your sources and use the trick described in Importing an existing source file in Visual Studio 2012 (but this seems to require a newer version of Visual Studio > 2012).
With "Show All Files" and "Include in Project" I was able to get all sources/headers with their directory structure (tested with Visual Studio 2013/2015).
You could mock all functions beside the most basic ones (like add_library()
or message()
) and try to get the original CMake
project to generate a Visual Studio solution. E.g. you make your own VSToolchain.cmake
or PreLoad.cmake
with empty implementations:
I admit this approach has it's limits.
You're writing a special main CMakeLists.txt
to collect all sources/headers into a new solution like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(MyProject C CXX)
set(_src_root_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
GLOB_RECURSE _source_list
add_library(MySources ${_source_list})
foreach(_source IN ITEMS ${_source_list})
get_filename_component(_source_path "${_source}" PATH)
string(REPLACE "/" "\\" _source_path_msvc "${_source_path}")
source_group("${_source_path_msvc}" FILES "${_source}")
Just put it somewhere (in my example the root of the sources; but you could just change _src_root_path
) and generate a Visual Studio project containing your sources/headers structured by directories (see How to set Visual Studio Filters for nested sub directory using cmake).