Run Junit Suite using Maven Command

2019-01-21 10:00发布


I have multiple Junit test suites (SlowTestSuite, FastTestSuite etc). I would like to run only specific suite using maven command. e.g.

mvn clean install test -Dtest=FastTestSuite -DfailIfNoTests=false

but its not working. Just not running any test at all. Any suggestions please.


I have achieved this by adding property into pom as:


and maven-surefire-plugin should be:


so it means by default it will run FastTestSuite but you can run other test e.g. SlowTestSuite using maven command as:

mvn install -DrunSuite=**/SlowTestSuite.class -DfailIfNoTests=false


The keyword you missed is maven-surefire-plugin :

Usage is :


If you make a little search on stack overflow, you may find information :

Running a JUnit4 Test Suite in Maven using maven-failsafe-plugin Using JUnit Categories with Maven Failsafe plugin

In addition, you may define profile, like fastTest, that will be triggered by adding parameter to cmd line :

mvn package -PfastTests

This profile would include some inclusions too.