I want to get a list of all the interfaces, IP and MAC address on a machine. I have quite a few machines to get this information from (around 600) and I can't use a batch file on the devices. I would like to send the command and get back an echoed output.
All the info I need is in ipconfig /all
but I am not sure how to go about parsing that out with a for loop. I am still quite new to that complex of a loop. Essentially I need to get a one liner output if possible. Any suggestions?
hostname, interface1 name, IP, Mac, interface2 name, ip mac,...
I have had some luck with the WMIC
outputs but I am having issues getting it to display correctly in a file. If I run these.
wmic computersystem get name
wmic nic where netenabled=true get netconnectionID
wmic /output:C:\wmictest.csv nicconfig where IPEnabled=True get ipaddress, macaddress /format:csv
My output does not show the netconnectionID
. Also the output file as a blank line before the text. not a big deal but is odd. Any suggestions on how to get all the info into the file correctly? here is my example output.
Here is a wmic
solution resulting with echo =!HostName!,!NetConID!,!IP_Addrs!,!MAC_Addr!
with one line for each active adapter of a local computer (can't try adaptations necessary to run it against a remote machine):
@SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "HostName="
wmic computersystem get name ^
/format:textvaluelist.xsl>"%temp%\cmptr.txt" 2>nul
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%G in ('type "%temp%\cmptr.txt"') do (
if /i "%%G"=="Name" set "HostName=%%~H"
set "MAC_Addr="
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%G in ('ipconfig /all^|find /i "Physical Address"') do (
set "foo="
for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "foo=%%~I"
set "MAC_Addr=!foo:-=:!"
set "NetConID="
wmic nic where "NetEnabled='true' and MACAddress='!MAC_Addr!'" ^
list /format:textvaluelist.xsl>"%temp%\wmcnc.txt" 2>&1
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('type "%temp%\wmcnc.txt"') do (
if /i "%%I"=="NetConnectionID" set "NetConID=%%~J"
set "IP_Addrs="
wmic nicconfig where "IPEnabled='True' and MACAddress='!MAC_Addr!'" ^
list /format:textvaluelist.xsl>"%temp%\wmcnccfg.txt" 2>&1
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('type "%temp%\wmcnccfg.txt"') do (
if /i "%%I"=="IPAddress" set "IP_Addrs=%%~J"
if not "!NetConID!,!IP_Addrs!"=="," (
@echo =!HostName!,!NetConID!,!IP_Addrs!,!MAC_Addr!
del "%temp%\cmptr.txt" 2>nul
del "%temp%\wmcnc.txt" 2>nul
del "%temp%\wmcnccfg.txt" 2>nul
goto :eof
Another solution parses semi-linear output from ipconfig /ALL
and gives results closest to previous wmic
one as follows:
@SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "HostName="
set "NetConID="
set "IP_Addr4="
set "IP_Addr6="
set "MAC_Addr="
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%G in ('ipconfig /ALL') do (
set "foo=%%~G"
if not "!foo:Host name=!"=="!foo!" (
for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "HostName=%%~I"
if "!foo:adapter=!"=="!foo!" (
if not "!foo:Physical Address=!"=="!foo!" (
for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "MAC_Addr=%%~I"
if not "!foo:IPv4 Address=!"=="!foo!" (
for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "IP_Addr4=%%~I"
set "IP_Addr4=!IP_Addr4:(preferred)=!"
if not "!foo:local IPv6 Address=!"=="!foo!" (
for %%I in (%%~H) do (
if not "%%~I"=="" (
for /F "delims=%%" %%p in ("%%~I") Do set "IP_Addr6=%%~p"
rem set "IP_Addr6=!IP_Addr6:(preferred)=!"
) else (
if not "!IP_Addr6!,!IP_Addr4!"=="," (
@echo #!HostName!,!NetConID!,{"!IP_Addr4!","!IP_Addr6!"},!MAC_Addr!
set "MAC_Addr="
set "IP_Addr4="
set "IP_Addr6="
set "NetConID=!foo:*adapter =!"
if not "!IP_Addr6!,!IP_Addr4!"=="," (
@echo =!HostName!,!NetConID!,{"!IP_Addr4!","!IP_Addr6!"},!MAC_Addr!
goto :eof
I would use:
wmic nicconfig where "IPEnabled = True" get ipaddress
... and things you would like to get. There's no need to parse output.