My app is using Raphaël to drop a collection of objects onto a page, each with a click
handler bound that uses data attached to the object when it was loaded in via JSON. That’s all working fine.
I now am trying to add in some test coverage using Cucumber (yes, I know I should have built the tests in first, I will do next time). I need to trigger a click on the first object to test that that object’s associated page loads. I’ve tried finding the appropriate SVG path for that object and triggering a click
event against it, but that doesn’t work. I also tried dropping each Raphaël set into a globally available object but couldn’t work out how to trigger a Raphaël click
event against the appropriate one.
To give some specific questions:
1) How would one trigger a Raphaël event manually?
2) Is it possible trigger said event if you have a reference to the SVG element the Raphaël set owns?
3) If not, is it possible to access the current collection of sets Raphaël is holding?