I write integration tests for my application, and use my container for this. I want to be able to register all the components as I do in real running, and then override some of the components and switch them to use stubs implementations.
I wouldn't want to seperate the DI and have a container for tests only because I want to test the real thing.
Doing this also seems ugly:
public class MyRegistrations
public static RegisterAll(bool isInTest= false)
if (isTest)
// Register test fakes
// Register real components
So I thought of overriding registrations in my test enviorment. How should it be done?
Any other better ways for achieving my goal?
Autofac will use the last registered component as the default provider
of that service
From the AutoFac documation.
In your arrange/setup/testInit phase register the mocks, then resolve the SUT:
public void TestInit()
Mock<IFoo> mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
_target = builder.Resolve<The component>();
Singletons, static members and SingletonLifestyle(registration) may cause some troubles....
Well, for example you can create a static action method inside your composition root to alter the current configuration and call it during testing. For example:
public class CompositionRoot
public static Action<IContainer> OverrideContainer = c => { };
internal static IContainer CreateContainer()
ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder();
/// etc. etc.
var container = builder.Build();
return container;
After that you can create a mock of you server, for example, like this:
public class ConfigurationControllerFixture : BaseServer
public async Task verify_should_get_data()
var response = await GetAsync(Uri);
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
protected override string Uri
get { return "api/configuration"; }
public abstract class BaseServer
protected TestServer Server;
protected abstract string Uri { get; }
protected virtual void OverrideConfiguration()
CompositionRoot.OverrideContainer = c =>
// new autofac configuration
AppStartup.OverrideConfiguration = c =>
// same as explained, but for HttpConfiguration
public void Setup()
Server = Microsoft.Owin.Testing.TestServer.Create(app =>
var startup = new AppStartup();
Hope it helps :)