I have an xlsx file I'm reading with apache poi 3.17 in java 6. In one instance I have a cell with the value, 123456789011. This is read into java as a NUMERIC CellTypeEnum Cell. When I use DataFormatter to get the value of the cell like this:
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter(Locale.US);
String strVal = formatter.formatCellValue(cell);
The String value comes out as "1.234567+11". I need the real value in the cell which is "123456789011". How can I get that?
I already tried using BigDecimal in Java to convert the String, but that returns "123456700000" because that's the best it can do with the given information; meaning I need to get the correct value from the actual cell object. I also tried using cell.getNumericCellValue() but that returns a double, which has a limit too small to handle the original value, so it is retrieved as "1.234567E11" which has the same issue as the other method of retrieval.
Is there a way to get the value as a String from the original Cell as it is entered in the xlsx? I have no power over the original xlsx.
Thank you.