Rather than build a passcode directly into my app and potentially require the user to enter a passcode twice (once for the device and again for my app); I thought I might out-clever myself and do something along the lines of:
if (device has passcode)
continue into my app
make user enter my app passcode
I don't want to set the device passcode, I don't want to force a screen lock, not encrypting anything - all I really want is an API just to detect if a device passcode is in effect. Something like:
BOOL notReally = [UIDevice isUserSlightlyMoreSecureBecauseTheySetDeviceLockOn];
or maybe if I'm feeling lucky:
BOOL isPasscodeEnabled = [UIDevice isPasscodeEnabled];
BOOL isSimplePasscode = [UIDevice isSimplePasscode];
NSInteger minutes = [UIDevice requirePasscodeAfter];
I'm guessing not based on this question (but is a few years old) "programmatically check for iPhone's Passcode in settings bundle" or this might be the answer; "Lock Unlock events iphone" which isn't exactly what I want but might work "after the fact".
As of iOS 9, you can achieve this using the LocalAuthentication.framework
. If targeting iOS 9+ read the comments here or look at this answer.
If you still need to target iOS 8 then continue reading :)
Starting in iOS8, you can!
I've put together a simple category to easily check the status: https://github.com/liamnichols/UIDevice-PasscodeStatus
How it Works
This category works by using the new accessControl features added to the Security.Framework in iOS 8.
It attempts to add an item to the keychain using the kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly
protection level.
The documentation states the following:
Item data can only be accessed while the device is unlocked. This class is only
available if a passcode is set on the device. This is recommended for
items that only need to be accessible while the application is in the
foreground. Items with this attribute will never migrate to a new
device, so after a backup is restored to a new device, these items
will be missing. No items can be stored in this class on devices
without a passcode. Disabling the device passcode will cause all
items in this class to be deleted.
Because of this, an error is returned when you attempt to add or read an item in the keychain with this level of accessControl. If we see this error, the passcodeStatus
returns as LNPasscodeStatusDisabled
If we can successfully read or write to the keychain with this level of accessControl then we return LNPasscodeStatusEnabled
If the device is unsupported or an unrelated error with the keychain is returned, we return LNPasscodeStatusUnknown
For iOS 9+ you can detect it using the new LocalAuthentication
class, and it works on Simulator as well as devices:
import LocalAuthentication
private func devicePasscodeSet() -> Bool {
//checks to see if devices (not apps) passcode has been set
return LAContext().canEvaluatePolicy(.DeviceOwnerAuthentication, error: nil)
I'm not aware of any way of getting this information directly, however I think you can probably achieve the result you are after by using side-effects of Apple's support for disk encryption. See Protecting Data Using On-Disk Encryption for details.
However this is a hack rather than designed behaviour, and there are some corner-cases it won't be aware of. I'd recommend making this feature something that's explicitly under the control of the user rather than something you enable with heuristics.