I want to produce seasonal boxplots for a lot of different time series. I hope that the code below clearly illustrates what I want to do.
My question is now, how to do this in the most elegant way with as few lines of code as possible. I can create an new object for each month with the function "subset" and then plot it, but this seems to be not very elegant. I tried to use the "split" function, but I don't know, how to proceed from there.
Please tell me if my question is not clearly stated or edit it to make it clearer.
Any direct help or linkage to other websites/posts is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Here is the code:
## Create Data
Time <- seq(as.Date("2003/8/6"), as.Date("2011/8/5"), by = "2 weeks")
data <- rnorm(209, mean = 15, sd = 1)
DF <- data.frame(Time = Time, Data = data)
DF[,3] <- as.numeric(format(DF$Time, "%m"))
colnames(DF)[3] <- "Month"
## Create subsets
Jan <- subset(DF, Month == 1)
Feb <- subset(DF, Month == 2)
Mar <- subset(DF, Month == 3)
Apr <- subset(DF, Month == 4)
## Create boxplot
months <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr")
boxplot(Jan$Data, Feb$Data, Mar$Data, Apr$Data, ylab = "Data", xlab = "Months", names = months)
## Try with "split" function
DF.split <- split(DF, DF$Month)