I am developing an android app with structure: MainActivity->FragmentA->FragmentB->Fragment C
Now in Fragment C, I go to Permission Setting and make access Camera to Deny, then I return an App. I realize that app restarted (transit to Fragment A). May you give me any reason and suggestion to solve it.
When you revoke permissions from app settings - Activity restarts and all it's components too. But in onCreate(...) savedInstanceState doesn't equal to null.
Thus you can use such hack:
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
Using the above hack app resume last fragmentC.
This is something normal and expected in AOSP. Android kills the app process while saving all states and fragments in FragmentManager
, so you should retrieve back your fragment from the FragmentManager
you were commiting tour fragments to. See an example approach:
// Try to retrieve fragment from fragment manager
ExampleFragment exampleFragment = (ExampleFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("ExampleFragment");
// Fragment was not saved in fragment manager, create a new instance
if (exampleFragment == null) exampleFragment = ExampleFragment.newInstance();
Note that I'm using getSupportFragmentManager()
as an example here (in the activity) but you have to use getChildFragmentManager()
within fragments.