For my build system, I need to build several app variants, each requesting a different set of permissions. How can this be done with Gradle, without invoking a separate script?
I just managed to do this by having different flavors in my gradle file:
free {
packageName ''
buildConfigField "boolean", "HAS_AD", "true"
paid {
packageName 'com.sample.paid'
buildConfigField "boolean", "HAS_AD", "false"
and then I created a new folder under src called "free" and under that a folder called "res"
+ free/
| + res/
+ src/
and in that folder create a new file "AndroidManifest.xml" with the following code in it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
package="com.sample" >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
According to Gradle Plugin User Guide on Android Tools Project Site:
Similar to Build Types, Product Flavors also contribute code and resources through their own sourceSets.
The following rules are used when dealing with all the sourcesets used to build a single APK:
- All source code (src/*/java) are used together as multiple folders generating a single output.
- Manifests are all merged together into a single manifest. This allows Product Flavors to have different components and/or permissions, similarly to Build Types.
- All resources (Android res and assets) are used using overlay priority where the Build Type overrides the Product Flavor, which overrides the main sourceSet.
- Each Build Variant generates its own R class (or other generated source code) from the resources. Nothing is shared between variants.
meaning that you can create a folder with each flavor name under src and put your custom files in them. If said file is an AndroidManifest gradle will merge it with the manifest in the main.