I'm trying out Neo4j for the first time. I'm using the 2.0-RC1 community edition.
I've created some nodes:
MERGE (u:User{username:'admin',password:'admin'})
MERGE (r1:Role{name:'ROLE_ADMIN'})
MERGE (r2:Role{name:'ROLE_WEB_USER'})
MERGE (r3:Role{name:'ROLE_REST_USER'})
and now I want to add relationships between the nodes. However, I don't want to clear out the existing database created with the script above, add the statements and run it again. I want to add relationships to the existing nodes. Google helped me find this:
START n=node(*), m=node(*)
where has(n.username) and has(m.name) and n.username = 'admin'
and m.name = 'ROLE_WEB_USER'
create (n)-[:HAS_ROLE]->(m)
Which works fine (even though I don't understand all the syntax). However, I am aware that this finds any node with a username property and any node with a name property, instead of using labels to check that it has the right type of node.
How can I do the same using labels?