I recently read this paper which introduces a process called "Warm-Up" (WU), which consists in multiplying the loss in the KL-divergence by a variable whose value depends on the number of epoch (it evolves linearly from 0 to 1)
I was wondering if this is the good way to do that:
beta = K.variable(value=0.0)
def vae_loss(x, x_decoded_mean):
# cross entropy
xent_loss = K.mean(objectives.categorical_crossentropy(x, x_decoded_mean))
# kl divergence
for k in range(n_sample):
epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, latent_dim), mean=0.,
std=1.0) # used for every z_i sampling
# Sample several layers of latent variables
for mean, var in zip(means, variances):
z_ = mean + K.exp(K.log(var) / 2) * epsilon
# build z
z = tf.concat([z, z_], -1)
except NameError:
z = z_
except TypeError:
z = z_
# sum loss (using a MC approximation)
loss += K.sum(log_normal2(z_, mean, K.log(var)), -1)
except NameError:
loss = K.sum(log_normal2(z_, mean, K.log(var)), -1)
print("z", z)
loss -= K.sum(log_stdnormal(z) , -1)
z = None
kl_loss = loss / n_sample
print('kl loss:', kl_loss)
# result
result = beta*kl_loss + xent_loss
return result
# define callback to change the value of beta at each epoch
def warmup(epoch):
value = (epoch/10.0) * (epoch <= 10.0) + 1.0 * (epoch > 10.0)
print("beta:", value)
beta = K.variable(value=value)
from keras.callbacks import LambdaCallback
wu_cb = LambdaCallback(on_epoch_end=lambda epoch, log: warmup(epoch))
# train model
callbacks=[tb, wu_cb],
validation_data=(padded_X_test[:last_test,:,:], padded_X_test[:last_test,:,:])