I don't whether I am asking correct question or not but want to clear my doubt.
Actually I came across the scenario of referring class files from jar file. I mean to say I have one backend java project say ABC with application-context.xml file in it.
Now I created jar file of ABC project and used in one web based application.
Here I am facing a problem of beans not getting Autowired and came to know the problem was, When I export the jar file of ABC project using Eclipse, I have not selected "ADD DIRECTORY ENTRIES" checkbox which later on I did and all worked.
just to see what changes has been made by checking this box in a jar file so that all worked,
So I created 2 jar files one with "ADD DIRECTORY ENTRIES" checked and one with unchecked, then I compared both jar using beyond compare and found there is no difference at all.
Can someone explain me what exactly "ADD DIRECTORY ENTRIES" does?
what I know is it should add complete structure instead of single path like com/company/project/MyJavaFile.class
Please correct me if I am wrong.