I know a lot has been covered on zipping files using Powershell however I cannot find a method which does exactly what I need.
I want to be able to zip folders AND files into a .zip folder without having the parent folder inside the zip. So for example I have a folder named STUFF which contains files/folders, I want to zip this into a folder called STUFF.zip. This folders structure would then be STUFF.zip>files/folders NOT STUFF.zip>STUFF>files/folders as I currently get using this code...
function CountZipItems(
[__ComObject] $zipFile)
If ($zipFile -eq $null)
Throw "Value cannot be null: zipFile"
Write-Host ("Counting items in zip file (" + $zipFile.Self.Path + ")...")
[int] $count = CountZipItemsRecursive($zipFile)
Write-Host ($count.ToString() + " items in zip file (" `
+ $zipFile.Self.Path + ").")
return $count
function CountZipItemsRecursive(
[__ComObject] $parent)
If ($parent -eq $null)
Throw "Value cannot be null: parent"
[int] $count = 0
$parent.Items() |
ForEach-Object {
$count += 1
If ($_.IsFolder -eq $true)
$count += CountZipItemsRecursive($_.GetFolder)
return $count
function IsFileLocked(
[string] $path)
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) -eq $true)
Throw "The path must be specified."
[bool] $fileExists = Test-Path $path
If ($fileExists -eq $false)
Throw "File does not exist (" + $path + ")"
[bool] $isFileLocked = $true
$file = $null
$file = [IO.File]::Open(
$isFileLocked = $false
Catch [IO.IOException]
If ($_.Exception.Message.EndsWith(
"it is being used by another process.") -eq $false)
Throw $_.Exception
If ($file -ne $null)
return $isFileLocked
function GetWaitInterval(
[int] $waitTime)
If ($waitTime -lt 1000)
return 100
ElseIf ($waitTime -lt 5000)
return 1000
return 5000
function WaitForZipOperationToFinish(
[__ComObject] $zipFile,
[int] $expectedNumberOfItemsInZipFile)
If ($zipFile -eq $null)
Throw "Value cannot be null: zipFile"
ElseIf ($expectedNumberOfItemsInZipFile -lt 1)
Throw "The expected number of items in the zip file must be specified."
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Waiting for zip operation to finish..."
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000 # ensure zip operation had time to start
[int] $waitTime = 0
[int] $maxWaitTime = 60 * 1000 # [milliseconds]
while($waitTime -lt $maxWaitTime)
[int] $waitInterval = GetWaitInterval($waitTime)
Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $waitInterval
$waitTime += $waitInterval
Write-Debug ("Wait time: " + $waitTime / 1000 + " seconds")
[bool] $isFileLocked = IsFileLocked($zipFile.Self.Path)
If ($isFileLocked -eq $true)
Write-Debug "Zip file is locked by another process."
If ($waitTime -ge $maxWaitTime)
Throw "Timeout exceeded waiting for zip operation"
[int] $count = CountZipItems($zipFile)
If ($count -eq $expectedNumberOfItemsInZipFile)
Write-Debug "The zip operation completed succesfully."
ElseIf ($count -eq 0)
Throw ("Zip file is empty. This can occur if the operation is" `
+ " cancelled by the user.")
ElseIf ($count -gt $expectedCount)
Throw "Zip file contains more than the expected number of items."
function ZipFolder(
[IO.DirectoryInfo] $directory)
If ($directory -eq $null)
Throw "Value cannot be null: directory"
Write-Host ("Creating zip file for folder (" + $directory.FullName + ")...")
[IO.DirectoryInfo] $parentDir = $directory.Parent
[string] $zipFileName
If ($parentDir.FullName.EndsWith("\") -eq $true)
# e.g. $parentDir = "C:\"
$zipFileName = $parentDir.FullName + $directory.Name + ".zip"
$zipFileName = $parentDir.FullName + "\" + $directory.Name + ".zip"
#$zipFileName = $directory.Name + ".zip"
#$zipFileName = $parentDir.FullName + ".zip"
If (Test-Path $zipFileName)
Throw "Zip file already exists ($zipFileName)."
Set-Content $zipFileName ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))
$shellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$zipFile = $shellApp.NameSpace($zipFileName)
If ($zipFile -eq $null)
Throw "Failed to get zip file object."
[int] $expectedCount = (Get-ChildItem $directory -Force -Recurse).Count
$expectedCount += 1 # account for the top-level folder
#Get-ChildItem $directory | foreach {$zipFile.CopyHere($_.fullname)}
# wait for CopyHere operation to complete
WaitForZipOperationToFinish $zipFile $expectedCount
Write-Host -Fore Green ("Successfully created zip file for folder (" `
+ $directory.FullName + ").")
Remove-Item "H:\STUFF.zip"
[IO.DirectoryInfo] $directory = Get-Item "H:\STUFF"
ZipFolder $directory
Complete credit goes here for this code. I really appreciate any help I get, this capability is crucial to my project! Unfortunately I cannot use the Community Extension module as other PC's this will be run on does not have this module installed.