How to check if array is empty - true or false

2020-03-15 01:11发布


I have a question, how do I put a condition for a function that returns true or false, if I am sure that the array is empty, but isset() passed it.

$arr = array();

if (isset($arr)) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

In this form returns bool(true) and var_dump shows array (0) {}.


If it's an array, you can just use if or just the logical expression. An empty array evaluates to FALSE, any other array to TRUE (Demo):

$arr = array();

echo "The array is ", $arr ? 'full' : 'empty', ".\n";

The PHP manually nicely lists what is false and not.


Use PHP's empty() function. It returns true if there are no elements in the array.


Use empty() to check for empty arrays.

if (empty($arr)) {
  // it's empty
} else {
  // it's not empty


You can also check to see how many elements are in the array via the count function:

$arr = array();

if (count($arr) == 0) {
  echo "The array is empty!\n";
} else {
  echo "The array is not empty!  It has " . count($arr) . " elements!\n";


use the empty property as

if (!empty($arr)) {
    //do what u want if its not empty
} else {
    //do what if its empty

标签: php arrays