I'm trying to use the SlideMenu library with ActionBarSherlock. https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu
I had not issue installing actionbarsherlock and run the examples provided. But, can't do the same with the example og the SlideMenu library :(
I can set up the library fine (or so i think) without errors (under eclipse with jre6).
For the slidemenu example, i created the project, and added com_actionbarssherlock.jar as a "referenced libraies".
But i have lots of : - R cannot resolve erros ; - can't overrides some methods erros; - methods from actionbarsherlock are not recognized ; ex : "The method getSupportActionBar() is undefined for the type BaseActivity" - can't load style from actionbarsherlock erros.
It is as if the project doesn't see the classes from actionbarsherlock.
Thanks for any help.