What is the difference between the selectors “.cla

2019-01-21 05:17发布


What is the different between .class.class and .class .class?


.class .class matches any elements of class .class that are descendants of another element with the class .class.

.class.class matches any element with both classes.


  1. .name1.name2

    means a div or an element having both classes together, for example:

    <div class="name1 name2">...</div>

  1. .name1 .name2

    means a div or an element which has a class name1 and any of its child nodes having class name2

    <div class="name1">
        <div class="name2">



Element that has both class1 and class2 set within it's class attribute (like that: class="class1 class2")

.class1 .class2

Element with class2 that is a descendant of an element with class1 class