switch (dimensions) {
case 1: double[] array = new double[10]; break;
case 2: double[][] array = new double[10][]; break;
case 3: double[][][] array = new double[10][][]; break;
case 4: double[][][][] array = new double[10][][][]; break;
case 5: double[][][][][] array = new double[10][][][][]; break;
case 6: double[][][][][][] array = new double[10][][][][][]; break;
default: System.out.println("Sorry, too many dimensions"); break;
Is there a way to do the above in a better way? I want it to be able to create an array of any number of dimensions, also...
I would just use flat 1-dimensional arrays and index based on dimension, i and j.
As already said, you can't really use such an array, as you would need different code for each dimension.
Creating such an array is doable, though, using reflection:
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
private Class<?> arrayClass(Class<?> compClass, int dimensions) {
if(dimensions == 0) {
return compClass;
int[] dims = new int[dimensions];
Object dummy = Array.newInstance(compClass, dims);
return dummy.getClass();
public Object makeArray(int dimensions) {
Class<?> compType = arrayClass(double.class, dimensions-1);
return Array.newInstance(compType, 10);
You then would have to use reflection to access your array, or cast it to Object[] (which works for all dimensions > 1), and then manipulate only the first level. Or feed it to a method which needs the right type of array.