I am currently working with angular animations. Therefore I figured out two possible methods to attach animations to components. In the following I am describing them as State/Transition-Animations and Query-Animations.
In this question I mainly want to know if there is a performance difference in going for one or the other way!?
1. State/Transition-Animations
<div [@animation_foo]/>
trigger('animation_foo', [
state('true', style({...}),
state('false', style({...})
transition('true => false', animate(...)
2. Query-Animations
<div [@animation_foo]>
<div class="bar"/>
trigger('animation_foo', [
query('.bar', style({...}), animate('10ms', style({...}))
Further thoughts:
My main concern with point 2. Query is that:
- If you do not have one query but multiple, wich are combined via group(...) and the css selector is going to finde elements on a deeper level ('.foo > :nth-child(n+3) .bar') you have to iterade over a very big part of the DOM-Tree.
- The stylings and animation applied to the elements happens after finding the element and before the animation - everytime - because I expect, that it cannot be pre-compiled by the compiler?
Environment/Target platform: I know it's might not related to a casual Web-Application, but I try to think in big enterprise applications with multiple router, nested components and lots of ngIf's ngFors, so that I personally can imagine that querying all that could be some effort.
Browser: I know that browser differently behave differently. Personally I am interested only in Chrome for the moment - But for the sake of community a general answer would be awesome.
If you have any further informations that are important to note, it would be nice to share (bugs, ...)