When I hit a route that doesn't exist on my Meteor app that uses IR, I get a 200
response with an HTML that (when rendered on a browser) displays a js error on console saying that No route found for path: "/aRoute"
How can a make it return 404
There don't seem to be a correct (or even working?) way of handling real 404's right now. See this issue for example: https://github.com/EventedMind/iron-router/issues/1055
Even when you try ways which should work, you'll still end up with a 200 status code. Like this code below which should work:
this.route( 'pageNotFound', {
path: '/(.*)',
where: 'server',
action: function() {
this.response.end( html );
I find this much easier way to show page not found. In router.js
layoutTemplate: "layout",
loadingTemplate: "loading",
notFoundTemplate: "notFound"
Here "notFound" could be any template where you want to show 404 error
this.route('template404', {
path: '/*'
Use it at the end of your Router.map, cause this catches every value - if you use at the begining every path will be caught to this
Of course you can make it more complex, for example:
this.route('template404', {
path: '/posts/*'