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Closed 9 years ago.
The short question is - what is the best practice - to use or not to use a trailing slash in URLs.
There are many articles: this, this, this.
However, they all seem to deal with static directory structure. What about dynamic urls, like those rewritten, or those handled by a central facility (like a web framework, for example), that forward to internal resources depending on convention/configuration. For them it is no longer the case that the web server actually searches and figures out exact locations - it is just a matter of parsing.
So, for example with spring mvc you declare that a given class method is invoked when the URI matches /service/action/{pathParam}
- for this URL, imo, it does not make sense to have a trailing slash - the request is handled by one and the same servlet each time, which does the parsing.
What I think is that one should just be consistent - either use trailing slashes everywhere, or don't use them at all.
- what's the best practice - with, without, or whatever-just be consistent
- what's the reason to choose one over the other