I have a problem with which I've been struggling. It is related to tf.matmul()
and its absence of broadcasting.
I am aware of a similar issue on https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/216, but tf.batch_matmul()
doesn't look like a solution for my case.
I need to encode my input data as a 4D tensor:
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, 100))
The first dimension is the size of a batch, the second the number of entries in the batch.
You can imagine each entry as a composition of a number of objects (third dimension). Finally, each object is described by a vector of 100 float values.
Note that I used None for the second and third dimensions because the actual sizes may change in each batch. However, for simplicity, let's shape the tensor with actual numbers:
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(5, 10, 4, 100))
These are the steps of my computation:
compute a function of each vector of 100 float values (e.g., linear function)
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([100, 50], stddev=0.1))
Y = tf.matmul(X, W)
problem: no broadcasting fortf.matmul()
and no success usingtf.batch_matmul()
expected shape of Y: (5, 10, 4, 50)applying average pooling for each entry of the batch (over the objects of each entry):
Y_avg = tf.reduce_mean(Y, 2)
expected shape of Y_avg: (5, 10, 50)
I expected that tf.matmul()
would have supported broadcasting. Then I found tf.batch_matmul()
, but still it looks like doesn't apply to my case (e.g., W needs to have 3 dimensions at least, not clear why).
BTW, above I used a simple linear function (the weights of which are stored in W). But in my model I have a deep network instead. So, the more general problem I have is automatically computing a function for each slice of a tensor. This is why I expected that tf.matmul()
would have had a broadcasting behavior (if so, maybe tf.batch_matmul()
wouldn't even be necessary).
Look forward to learning from you! Alessio