I have a collection that fetches models from server.
This works, now I want to grab a model by its id with MyCollection.at(0)
and I get:
_changes: Array[0]
_changing: false
_currentAttributes: Object
_events: Object
_hasComputed: true
_pending: false
_previousAttributes: Object
attributes: Object
_id: "50ef7a63b2a53d17fe000001"
author_name: "author name"
bookmark: ""
info: "bookmark description"
__proto__: Object
changed: Object
cid: "c26"
collection: child
view: child
__proto__: Surrogate
If I try to get the model by its id i get:
=> undefined
=> undefined
=> undefined
I don't get that - the docs say clearly that the .get()
method will return the model if a model with the given id exists in that collection.