What is the best way to return all documents in a collection if I want document.a == document.b?
I've tried
db.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { $eq: [ '$a', '$b' ] } }])
But it returns with no errors or results, because I assume it is literally matching strings "$a" and "$b". Is there a different way to specify that these are fields?
db.collection.aggregate([ { $project: {
eq: { $cond: [ { $eq: [ '$a', '$b' ] }, 1, 0 ] }
} },
{ $match: { eq: 1 } }])
The above works, but requires the additional step of querying again with whatever documents it found or projecting all possible fields.
Is there a better way for achieving this query?
Basically, you are trying to perform a self join. An operation not supported by MongoDB.
Concerning the $eq
operator, as you guessed:
- By design, the
comparison query operator match a field against a value.
- But the
comparison aggregation operator compare the value of two expressions.
I don't know any other way to perform what you need than using an extra $project
step as you suggested.
Please note this is not significantly more expensive as, anyway, your query cannot use any index and MongoDB will do a full scan.
If I understood your question right you want those documents that have same values in field1 and field2.
For this try
db.coll.find({$where: function() { return this.field1 == this.field2 } } );
or more compact
db.coll.find({ $where : "this.field1 == this.field2" } );