How to hide url in Chrome custom tab android

2020-03-08 09:52发布


I have implemented new Chrome Custom Tab in android, I am using the following code to open

Uri uri = Uri.parse("");
CustomTabsIntent.Builder intentBuilder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();                   
intentBuilder.setShowTitle(true);, uri);

I need to hide url below the title in toolbar


If you control both the content and the application, you can use Trusted Web Activities to completely remove the URL bar. You'll need to implement Digital Asset Links to validate the ownership of both.

If you don't own the content, it is not possible to hide the URL below the title. The URLs needs to visible to the user, so that they can know in which site they are. By removing this from the UI, a malicious site could mimic the UI of another one, and this could potentially create a security issue for users.


If you control both the content and the application, you can use Trusted Web Activities to completely remove the URL bar. You'll need to implement Digital Asset Links to validate the ownership of both.

If you don't own the content, it is not possible to hide the URL below the title. The URLs needs to visible to the user, so that they can know in which site they are. By removing this from the UI, a malicious site could mimic the UI of another one, and this could potentially create a security issue for users.


You cannot hide the url alone. You can only get rid of the whole title bar, that too when the user scroll the view. To achieve this,use



You can try setShowTitle(false) of your custom tab.