I need a to create an array with all the subject values in this XML file. The ISIN list seems to work fine (the first property value), but subject values does not work.
I would like to end up with a array looking something like this:
$Companys = array ( [0] => array ( "isin" => "DK0010247014","company" => "AAB"),
[1] => array ( "isin" => "DK0015250344","company" => "ALM BRAND"),
[2] => array ( "isin" => "DK0015998017","company" => "BAVARIAN NORDI"),
[3] => array ( "isin" => "DK0010259027","company" => "DFDS"),
[4] => array ( "isin" => "DK0010234467","company" => "FLSMIDTH & CO"),
This is an example of one of the files i am trying to parse:
<created>2013-05-15 14:18:16</created>
<texttype>This is a type</texttype>
<header>This is a header</header>
<para format="Text">This is a paragraph</para>
<para format="Text">This is a paragraph</para>
<para format="Text">This is a paragraph</para>
<para format="Text">This is a paragraph</para>
<para format="Text"/>
<para format="Text">This is a paragraph</para>
<para format="Byline"/>
<para format="Byline">contents og the by line</para>
<para format="Byline"/>
<para format="Byline"/>
<subject value="AAB" weight="Main">
<property value="DK0010247014" type2="isin" type1="identificator"/>
<property value="CSE:AAB" type2="ticker" type1="identificator"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="1" value="25"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="2" value="2530"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="3" value="253010"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="4" value="25301030"/>
<subject value="ALM BRAND" weight="Main">
<property value="DK0015250344" type2="isin" type1="identificator"/>
<property value="CSE:ALMB" type2="ticker" type1="identificator"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="1" value="40"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="2" value="4030"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="3" value="403010"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="4" value="40301040"/>
<subject value="BAVARIAN NORDI" weight="Main">
<property value="DK0015998017" type2="isin" type1="identificator"/>
<property value="CSE:BAVA" type2="ticker" type1="identificator"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="1" value="35"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="2" value="3520"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="3" value="352010"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="4" value="35201010"/>
<subject value="DFDS" weight="Main">
<property value="DK0010259027" type2="isin" type1="identificator"/>
<property value="CSE:DFDS" type2="ticker" type1="identificator"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="1" value="20"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="2" value="2030"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="3" value="203030"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="4" value="20303010"/>
<subject value="FLSMIDTH & CO" weight="Main">
<property value="DK0010234467" type2="isin" type1="identificator"/>
<property value="CSE:FLS" type2="ticker" type1="identificator"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="1" value="20"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="2" value="2010"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="3" value="201030"/>
<property type1="sector" type2="GICS" type3="4" value="20103010"/>
foreach($xmlObj->subjects->subject as $b ){
$isin = $b->property;
$company = $b->attributes();
#$company = $b->attributes()->value;
If($isin && $isinlist == 'null') $isinlist = $isin['value'];
ElseIf ($isin && $isinlist) $isinlist .= ','.$isin['value'];
If($company && $companylist == 'null') $companylist = $company['value'];
ElseIf ($company && $companylist) $companylist .= ','.$company['value'];