I am using FOSUserBundle for admin section as well as frontend by following the instructions given at:
For frontend everything is working fine but for admin section when i access my admin area /admin
then i am redirected to login page /admin/login
(that is correct). Once i provide admin username and password then as per the default target path of after login
default_target_path: /admin/
defined in security.yml it is redirecting to /admin
(that is also correct) but i am getting 403 forbidden error
**Access Denied**
403 Forbidden - AccessDeniedHttpException
1 linked Exception:
In my security.yml when i remove the below line:
- { path: ^/admin/, role: ROLE_ADMIN }
then i am able to access /admin area after login.
I also observed that every time when i create a new user using /register
at front end it is entering a:0:{}
in the roles field of fos_user database table. Now i want to know :
What changes i will need to make at script level to create different types of users like admin, normal user etc. so that the above code of security.yml that i removed should work without removing
By default, created user has role ROLE_USER
which is saved in DB like empty array converted to JSON a:0:{}
. In FOSUserBundle exists some helpful Command Line Tools. You should use Promote a User for set user ROLE_ADMIN
like this:
$ php app/console fos:user:promote username ROLE_ADMIN
After that your username
user will have access to admin panel where you can promote other users manually.
To create users with diferent ROLE
types you should write event listener for fos_user.registration.initialize
(or even fos_user.registration.success
) event, like this:
class RegistrationListener
public function setUserRole(UserEvent $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
if (/* some conditions */) {
$user = $event->getUser();
Please be careful with using this listener for setting ROLE_ADMIN
. Promote a User command is intended to add role like ROLE_ADMIN
@neeraj, as an answer to your comment here FOSUserBundle admin area not accessible after login
as i know it's not possible to do it only with security.yml, but you can go with listener, not much to do.
create folder EventListener in your Bundle, then create SecurityListener.php
namespace Your\NameBundle\EventListener;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
class SecurityListener
protected $router;
protected $security;
protected $dispatcher;
public function __construct(Router $router, SecurityContext $security, EventDispatcher $dispatcher)
$this->router = $router;
$this->security = $security;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
public function onSecurityInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
$this->dispatcher->addListener(KernelEvents::RESPONSE, array($this, 'onKernelResponse'));
public function onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event)
if ($this->security->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
$response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('YOURCoreBundle_adminpage'));
} elseif ($this->security->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
$response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('YOURBundle_userpage'));
} else {
$response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('YOURCoreBundle_homepage'));
and in services.xml add
<parameter key="yourbundle.listener.login.class">Your\NameBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener</parameter>
<service id="yourbundle.listener.login" class="%yourbundle.listener.login.class%">
<tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="security.interactive_login" method="onSecurityInteractiveLogin"/>
<argument type="service" id="router"/>
<argument type="service" id="security.context"/>
<argument type="service" id="event_dispatcher"/>