I'm trying to make a button / reaction to go back and forth between 3 different images, but the button is not coming back in the previous image, just advancing to the next one, could anyone help me?
if message.content.startswith('!image'):
msg1 = await Bot.send_file(message.channel, 'image1.png')
toReact = ('⏩')
for reaction in toReact:
await Bot.add_reaction(msg1, reaction)
def checkReaction(reaction, user):
e = str(reaction.emoji)
return e.startswith('⏩')
res = await Bot.wait_for_reaction(message=msg1, user=message.author, timeout=30, check=checkReaction)
if res is None:
await Bot.delete_message(msg1)
elif '⏩' in str(res.reaction.emoji):
await Bot.delete_message(msg1)
msg2 = await Bot.send_file(message.channel, 'image2.png')
toReact = ['⏪', '⏩']
for reaction in toReact:
await Bot.add_reaction(msg2, reaction)
def checkReaction2(reaction, user):
e = str(reaction.emoji)
return e.startswith('⏪','⏩')
res2 = await Bot.wait_for_reaction(message=msg2, user=message.author, timeout=30, check=checkReaction2)
if res2 is None:
await Bot.delete_message(msg2)
elif '⏩' in str(res.reaction.emoji):
await Bot.delete_message(mensagem2)
await Bot.send_file(message.channel, 'image3.png')