'The argument of type WCHAR* is not compatible

2020-03-07 06:53发布


DWORD ProcMem::Module(LPSTR ModuleName){

HANDLE hModule = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwPID);
mEntry.dwSize = sizeof(mEntry); 

    if (!strcmp(mEntry.szModule, ModuleName))
    return (DWORD)mEntry.modBaseAddr;
while (Module32Next(hModule, &mEntry));

cout << "\nMODULE: Process Platform Invalid\n";
return 0;

the argument of type WCHAR* is not compatible with "const char*"`. while holding my cursor on mEntry.


Your project is compiled with Unicode enabled, so CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() maps to CreateToolhelp32SnapshotW(), PROCESSENTRY32 maps to PROCESSENTRY32W, and Process32Next() maps to Process32NextW(). Thus, ProcEntry.szExeFile field is a WCHAR[] array.

You are passing szExeFile to strcmp(), which does not support wchar_t* strings, only char* strings. You need to either:

  1. use WideCharToMultiByte() to convert szExeFile to a char[] array so you can then pass that to strcmp().

  2. change your ProcessName parameter to wchar_t*, or use MultiByteToWideChar() to convert ProcessName to a wchar_t[] array, and pass that to wcscmp() or lstrcmpW() instead of strcmp().

  3. if you want to continue using TCHAR-based APIs, change your ProcessName parameter to LPTSTR and then use _tcscmp() or lstrcmp() instead of strcmp().

标签: c++ memory