I want to ask question about how to call VB.NET DLL from C++ program
I have tried many times to call VB.NET DLL file from C++ and it is working fine but the problem is I can't call the function of VB.NET DLL file ( I can only load the VB.NET DLL file)
in VB.NET DLL I have the following code:
Public Function example_function1(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
Return 3
End Function
Public Function example_function2(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
Return 3
End Function
My C++ Code is:
typedef int (__stdcall *ptf_test_func_1_type)(int);
typedef int (__stdcall *ptf_test_func_2_type)(int*);
int i =1;
HINSTANCE dll_instance = LoadLibrary("DLLs7.dll");
int main()
if(dll_instance !=NULL)
printf("The DLLs file has been Loaded \n");
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
ptf_test_func_1_type p_func1=(ptf_test_func_1_type)GetProcAddress(dll_instance,"Class1::example_function1");
ptf_test_func_2_type p_func2=(ptf_test_func_2_type)GetProcAddress(dll_instance,"Class1::example_function2");
// Function No 1 //
if (p_func1 != NULL)
cout << "\nThe function number 1 is " << p_func1(i) << endl;
cout << "\nFailed" << endl;
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
// Function No 2 //
if (p_func2 != NULL)
cout << "\nThe function number 2 is" << p_func2(&i) << endl;
cout << "\nFailed" << endl;
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
printf("\nDLLs file Load Error");
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
My following steps is:
1) I have Created VB.NET DLL.
2) I have Created a new application visual C++ and selected "win32 console application"
3) I have written the code to call the DLL and the functions (as you can see in the above)
did I miss anything in the steps or code because I can call VB.NET DLL file but I can't call the VB.NET DLL function
as you can see I have written the GETLASTERRIR() to find the ERROR
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
but I found this Error 127 in function when failed and 203 in the call DLL file
can anyone help me
Thank you very much