How do I incorporate a Rails engine ApplicationController (it's methods) into a main app? I need to access these engine controller methods, and I'd like to do it without using an 'Include' in my main app's ApplicationController.
module MyEngine
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer "myengine.load_helpers" do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
include MyEngine::Helpers
The above was posted on A way to add before_filter from engine to application, but my understanding was that helpers are only view-usable, while I need need to access them in my controllers.
I did this before for a rails gem called dynamic_menu
basically it looks like
require 'dynamic_menu'
module DynamicMenu
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer "dynamic_menu.menu_items" do |app|
ActionController::Base.send :include, DynamicMenu::MenuItems
So I would assume the one you would want would be
require 'myEngine'
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer "myengine.load_helpers" do |app|
ActionController::Base.send :include, MyEngine::Helpers
You want to add the require of the .rb file you are using found in lib, then it just involves sending the module to the ActionController::Base
See my gem on github it is pretty simple in nature and may be able to give some guidance. Comment and I can explain it more.